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Taking A Break From Writing

I always thought that my writing would take me places, give me the opportunities of a lifetime, but over the last couple of years, my heart hasn’t been in writing. I’ve lost the joy and the passion. I only wrote because I felt like I had to. I feel like that my writing hasn’t gotten me anywhere and I feel like the more I wrote the more pressure I had put onto myself to create something, to get creative. I don’t find the thrill in it and it sucks. I don’t want to keep doing something that doesn't make me happy. I want to be able to pursue other areas in writing.

I always thought that I would make a living of my stories and I would be where I want to be in the writing community, but I feel like I haven't gotten to where I want to be.

I'm still going to blog every once in a while, but I feel like everything else I write isn't going anywhere and I fear that nobody's going to read it or its not going to get published, but has of right now, I'm taking a step back.

All the projects I thought about writing are going to be put on hold. If I feel like its not going anywhere, I don't need to pressure myself into writing something that I'm not proud of. I want to be passionate about something and as of right now, I don't feel passionate about anything. I'm losing my motavtion and my inspiration to write. I need a mental health break,

Thank you for understanding and I hope that you will help me along this new journey.

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