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Are New Years Resolutions Worth It?

There are people who need to set goals for themselves to be able to achieve what they want in life and there are people like me who just go with the flow and let things happen. If it was meant to be then it will happen.

I don’t see myself setting goals for myself because I feel like they are things that are meant to come true. I feel like if I give myself a goal and a time limit to reach that goal then I feel like it’s not going to be worth it at the end because I would have put too much pressure on myself to make that happen.

Instead of setting myself up for disappointment, I like to see the new year as a new start on what I can work on without the pressure and the stress of making sure that goal gets reached. I’ll try and do a bunch of small things like, trying to cut something out like pop or creating a meal plan so I stop eating out all the time. Things that will help me in the long run.

I don’t need January 1st to be the first day to make a change. Change happens when you want it to happen. You have 365 days to make everyday count and if today is the day you want to do something positive then do it. Don’t wait.

Let’s take my blog for example. Every year, I want to make it as successful as I can and every year I start off strong by posting on a weekly basis, but then I’ll get bored and think that’s not worth the time and affect because nobody reads it, but now, I feel like I’m not giving myself enough credit to let it become successful. I just have to keep going at it and let it do its thing.

My plan this year instead of forcing on creating goals and resolutions is to focus on trying to reach towards my dream job. I want to focus on working on my future by spending time working on my craft and my writing, get better. Focus on getting my work out there and have it be seen by people. I want to be able to support myself and do what I love. I want to be able to be my own boss and create my own hours.

This year is all about trying to figure things out for myself and discover what I’m meant to do in this world. I’m just doing it one blog post at a time. The more I do it, the more I’ll get better.

I hope that this year is a year I can look back and say that I tried.

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