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Working From Home

It seems like working from home is the new normal since the pandemic. Some people had already had that option before the world changed and I wish I was one of those people. I wished that I had the opportunity to be able to be in the comfort of my own home and be able to pay my bills. I had high hopes that my blog would bring in some extra income. I had hoped that my blog would be able to help me when times would be tough and I needed that extra bit of money, but of course the world had other plans. I would have to work at something that I knew I wouldn’t be happy doing just to buy the bills.

I would love to be able to work from anywhere. I would love to go to different coffee shops and libraries and work on my blog or have an office to go to everyday, a place where I can just camp out in the corner and write. I want to work for myself and be able to work when and where I want.

I’ve been blogging for 14 years, and I have nothing to show for it. It’s not easy trying to have a successful blog if you even want to call this blog a success. People make it look so easy, but I’m having a hard time trying to get people to read.

Being my own boss is something that I want to do. I know I’ve mentioned it a couple times before in previous posts. I hoped that my blog would have given the opportunity of being able to work from work. I’m feeling discouraged. It makes me not want to write because if nobody wants to read then why am I even writing a blog? Who am I talking to? I thought that I had what it took to be able to work from home.

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