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My Frustrations with Online Dating

I have a hard time connecting with people has it is. I thought that online dating would be a good way for me to get out of my comfort zone and meet people who I thought I would never meet in person.

I’ve been on and off dating apps since July of last year. At one point, I was on three apps at the same time. Out of all three of them, I got nothing. I’m starting to think it’s me and not the apps themselves.

I don’t understand how someone can meet someone within hours of signing up when it can take me what feels like a lifetime just to get one person to respond. I feel like other people have something that I don’t. I don’t know what I’m missing and what I need to get to where I want on a dating app. What am I doing wrong?

Online dating seems easy, but when people can’t look at you as more than a friend, it hurts. My heart can only take so much. When I’m on a dating app, I try and not go on it for a few days. My hope is that if I just let it sit for a while, more people would come across it and respond, but it never works. I have a feeling that they skip over me without really looking at my profile. I’ll try and change it up occasionally, like moving the pictures around, adding new pictures, changing my answers to the questions, but nothing happens.

Every day, I see people getting married and having kids. I want to be part of that. I want to have that experience. Being able to have a family is the one thing I always wanted in life. I’m getting tired of being single. I want to have my happily ever after. Having a family and being able to be called “Mom” is the most important thing to me and I feel like that’s never going to happen.

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