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Should I Blog Every Day?

I know that I’m taking a break from writing, but I always tend to go back to my blog. In fact, when I first started blogging back in 2009, it started off as a daily blog. I wanted to challenge myself in seeing if I was able to come up with a new post every day and at the beginning it worked to a certain point. Looking back, I wish I kept up with it. I felt discouraged to stop because I felt that people weren’t interested in what I had to say.

When I say I’m taking a break from writing means that I’m stepping away from anything that involves coming up with a story and a plot line. I’ve been wanting to write a book, but I don’t have the inspiration or the patience right now to sit down and plot a book. The same goes for screenplays. I have so many ideas, but I lack trying to put those ideas to paper. I’ve tried and failed to write books in the past and I always deleted them, but I do know that when I do feel like writing, my blog is the one thing I do write. I want to at least keep that going.

I’ve always known that if you post on a regular basis, the more successful your blog with be. It makes readers wanting to keep coming back and since I don’t have anything going on right now and spending all my time at home, I might as will start daily blogging or at least post more on a regular basis. Some posts are going to be better than others, but at least, I’m trying and challenging myself. The more I write, the better I’ll become.

Hopefully, I’ll get an idea for a book or a screenplay and actually have the patience to sit down and plan out a full length movie/book.

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