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Why I Write as Someone on the Autism Spectrum

I have always loved to write. I can’t remember when I wasn’t surrounded by a bunch of notebooks and journals. I always felt like I had something to say, but verbally saying the words has never been easy. Being able to grab a pen and write down all my thoughts and feelings is a lot easier for me. It’s my way of expressing myself. Writing is something I can see myself doing for the rest of my life. I have so many stories to tell and I want to be able to inspire others with what I have to say.

I like to be able to come up with new ways of connecting with people. I want to be able to change someone with the things I say using the written word. Using a platform like a blog or social media is a good way for me to express what’s going on in my head and be able to help someone who may be going through a similar situation.

Writing has always been a good friend to me. It’s been the one thing I know I can do and do it well. It’s something I feel I was meant to do. Words always came easy to me. I’m proud to have a talent that comes naturally. Not everyone is able to come up with things to say at the top of their head. They struggle to find the right words. Some people dread having to write more then a couple of sentences, but I always found words to be the easiest thing. When in doubt, write.

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