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Thank You For Understanding

Dear Brendan Fraser.

There are no words to express how much you mean to me. For years, I’ve respected and admired you. When I learnt that your son is on the autism spectrum, it made me respect you more because you understand the struggles and challenges that come with being on the spectrum.

You love your son more than anything and giving him love while helping him navigate through a world that doesn’t understand is something that should inspire people to take a step back and learn more about what they don’t know.

You have a strong impact on me. You inspire me everyday, not just for who you are as a person, but for loving someone who sees the world in a different way. Knowing that you understand the autism spectrum makes me feel less alone. I know you would look at me as a person, for who I am and not as someone with autism.

Thank you for understanding and for loving someone who may one day change the world.

For many years, I’ve respected and admired you. I've lost count on how many times I've watched your movies and I imagined one day to be able to work with you. I know that you’ve had a tough time in the last few years and not being able to do what you love has been a challenge. Your fans will always welcome you back with open arms. We love and adore you.

The characters that you bring to the screen have left an impression on people that grew up watching you and will always be something that we cherish. You could be swinging from vines or fighting off mummies, but there would be no other person that we could ever picture as those classic characters. You always brought a laugh or an adventure into our lives.

You have left a strong impact on me. You will always have a special place in my heart. You are a good man with a good heart.

Thank you for being an inspiration and for being who you are.


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