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Treatment and Recovery in Hollywood

Recovery for drugs and alcohol is lifelong. There’s always a chance that you will relapse, there’s always a chance that something is going to trigger you and you will find a way to make that feeling go away.

When it comes to knowing the signs of addiction, there are things to look out for. It can vary from person to person as it can take affect people differently. People can function on drugs; they can do their everything tasks without coming off as an addict. They hide behind their addiction. Other people can’t function without the use of drugs. They need more just to get out of bed or to leave the house and it shows. It’s an obvious sign that they are struggling, but they don’t admit that they have a problem. It’s up to the person to come forward and ask for help. The more you pressure someone into getting help, the more they’re going to use because they feel like people are losing respect and trust in them.

Drug addiction is different than alcohol addiction, but in the end, it’s still a disease. It still does things to your body and your mental health. It seems like as time goes by, more and more people will develop an addiction because of how accessible it’s becoming.

Some signs are physical; weightless and changes in appearance are common. Eyes will become bloodshot, you will look tired, you’re not going to be eating. Depending on the drug, you’re going to develop sores, which will become itchy. People will think that something is crawling under their skin, making them scratch, causing the skin to break and scar.

There are many reasons why celebrities will have an addiction. Being in Hollywood can be stressful. You have to always be on. You can’t always have the privacy that you want.

Like any job, being in Hollywood, it’s hard to find the work-life balance and for some people, that’s tough. They want and need that time to be alone, to be by themselves, which can be challenging in itself since a lot of people prefer to be alone when battling addiction.

You have to look at someone’s history as to way they are who they are. Someone could be raised in a loving household, but as they experience with adult things as an early age, they want to keep doing it, even if it means losing everything later on in life.

Going to therapy is also a good way to overcome whatever it is that your dealing with. A therapist can help you understand why you are struggling. It’s gives you resources on how to cope and how to work with the urge to use.

People will deny that they need to see a therapist because they think it’s not going to help and that whatever is going inside their head can’t be solved or understood.  Therapists are trained to help you figure out what’s going on and sometimes getting out in the open will help you. Sometimes you just have to talk to make work.

If you go in thinking that it’s not going to work, or you think that the therapist doesn’t know what they’re doing then obviously it’s not going to work because you went into the session with a negative mind set. You have to try or it’s not going to help you.

Detox is hard on the body because it’s letting your body get rid of any substances that are taking up space. A lot of people will start to use again when going thru this because they don’t like the way they are feeling.

Celebrities will go to rehab. They will take a break from their current project and go to a place where its safe for them to get into recovery. Sometimes it will take multiple trips to rehab for someone to get better and sometimes it make not work because the patient isn’t putting in the work or they are there because they were forced to by their management team.

Ultimatums are also a reason who celebrities may go into rehab. They are given a choice between getting sober or losing everything and more often than not, they will relapse because they don’t want to do something they don’t want to do. Addicts are the ones that to be in charge of getting help. They are the ones that have to admit they have a problem.

There are medications that can be used to treat addiction, which you would think would be against trying to help someone with an active addiction. Depending on what a person is using, varies the type of drug is used in treatment. One of the medications used in treatment for opioid addiction is called Buprenorphine which itself is an opioid. It’s not as strong as other opioids, it has milder effects so the becoming addictive is a lot lower than other substances. Depending on if you are drinking or even smoking, other types of medication will block the chemicals that are active reducing the need to use, but medication may not be for everyone, but it’s a good first step in getting the help you need in recovery.

There are a lot of treatment options for addiction. You have to find one that is right for you. It depends if you want to be treated as in outpatient or in a facility where you are around people and medical staff 24 hours a day. Some people have an addiction so deep that they can’t function without help or they can’t be trusted to be left alone.

Programs can be personalized depending on the case and the patient. You are not going to have the same issues as the person next to you. They may be on using the same drugs as you, but their treatment and recovery is going to look completely different. They will face different challenges. Some recoveries are going to take longer, but they may be sober longer.

There’s a part of addiction called withdrawal and the medical staff are going to able to give you medication to help with the symptoms. In that case you will have to go into an inpatient program where you will be watched and taken care of.

With outpatient treatment, you are subjected to drug tests at any giving time to prove that you are staying sober. You have to be in a situation where you can prove that you can be trusted to be left alone and to be able to live daily life without having the urge to use. If there are any signs that you are using, that can be back to treatment or possible jail because you have validated your parole or that you went behind the rules that were set up to keep your safe.

There are halfway houses that allow people to live in a housing community with other people who are going through the same thing you are going through. Its system support that allows you to around people and work together to remain sober.   

Recovery can be a tough road especially if you are not in the right head space to be in recovery. If someone doesn’t want to become sober then they are going to have a hard time in recovery. They will struggling to remain sober for more than a few a hours or even days. The people in your life have to be patient not only with you, but with the process. They can’t rush you; they have to be able go along the journey on your terms. You have to do it for you and not for anyone else.

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